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Friday, August 23, 2013

August Wishlist!


I think this twinset from Sammy Dress is just adorable! I'm not too sure if i'd be quite tall enough to wear it, but for £11.28,  I think i'd take the chance haha! Find the set here!

 I literally cannot descirbe just how excited I was to see this skirt pop up on the Topshop website! If you've read my blog before, you probably know that i'm seriously in love with the whole holographic trend, and this skirt just perfects everything holographic. I'm so upset that its sold out in my size though :( Not that I had £38 to spare anyway haha! Find the skirt here!

I'm going to write about these two jackets together, because they are both really quite similar. And, quite frankly, I can't decide which one to get :( The first jacket is from a Chinese wholesaler called Aliexpress, and can be found here. I paticulary love the pattern on this jacket, and for around £15 (don't take my word on that, i'm not very good at conversion haha) it's such a bargain!

The second jacket is also from a Chinese wholesaler, this time called Sammy Dress (much like the two piece above). I kinda like how this jacket is more of a jacket, if that makes sense haha. I think it could actually serve at keeping me warm, whilst as the other one would literally just be a fashion statement. But still, I cant decided which one to buy :( What do you guys think? Oh, and you can find this jacket here!

My love and need for chunky heeled shoes probably should stop, but I just can't help myself. I've been wanting some loafers for ages, and these are just so me! I hate wearing flat shoes, so here I can get the best of both worlds! I can't wait to get some money in my PayPal account so I can snap these up! But again, i'm undecided on which pair :( Black or white? Find them here!

And last but certainly not least, this absolutely amazing jumpsuit from Miss Guided! I love all of Miss Guided's jumpsuits, but i've never really quite found one that I thought would suit me. But as soon as I clocked this I was in awe! I've got a party coming up in a couple of weeks, and I will definitely be purchasing this to wear to it if I can! Find it here!

Sophie xx

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