If you've not actually seen this post before, then just to warn you, i'm not talking about my actual face (that would be weird) I'm talking about the beauty products on my face every day.
I found it kinda hard to sort out what my 'everyday' products are because my makeup bag literally contains the whole of Boots, but I just picked out what products I use, and like the most!
Okay, so first things first, before I show you actual close ups of any of these products, I just want you all to know that i'm not really a tramp, my make-up just always seem to find it fun to explode in my makeup bag, leaving all of my make-up ditched - which is why most of my makeup looks like its been rolling round in mud.
Moving on, I actually have featured two foundation in this because I normally use my Dior foundation but sadly it recently ran out :( But I love it SO much and i'm SO gutted that its gone so I'm going to feature it anyway :)
Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula Body Lotion £3.99 - Now I know this is body lotion, but it just makes my face so soft, I literally cannot live without it, especially with being blessed with extremely dry skin/eczema (lucky me :))
DIOR DIORSKIN FOREVER Fluid Foundation SPF 25 Flawless Perfection Fusion Wear in Shade 020 £32 - Well that was a long name! I love love love (love) this foundation, it works great with my dry skin, and I am literally heartbroken that its ran out. I need to a job to fund for my expensive taste :(
Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation in shade 52 Vanille £10.99 - I loads of great reviews on this product for dry skin, so as soon as my Dior foundation ran out I couldn't wait to try it out. I'm still getting used it and I don't know if it's because i'm so used to an expensive foundation at the moment, but I'm not as hyped up as everyone else :( It works great, but I never seem to have any on my face by the end of the day - but then maybe thats me needing to invest in a primer!
Avon Glow Bronzing Pearls £7.49 - These were actually given to me as part of a giftset. I love these pearls because (I should have taken a better picture) they are quite a pinky colour rather than orange, so they work great with my pale skin. They're not too glittery either which I like.
Rimmel Scandal Eyes Flex Mascara £6.99 - My eyelashes are just short and rubbish in general, but this mascara actually does them justice! I would be lost without it now!
Soap & Glory Arc De Triumph Eyebrow Shaper & Highlighter £8.00 - I LOVE this product. The eyebrow pencil is not too dark and lets me fill my brows in without looking i've let my 8 year old brother play around with his Crayola's on my face! The highlighter is great too, especially for nights out!
Bourjois Healthy Balance Powder Compact in shade 52 Vanille £8.99 - One thing I actually do not like about this product is the fact it doesn't come with a powder puff or a brush itself. So actually, I don't wear this everyday as sometimes I'm just too damn lazy to rummage around in my make-up bag looking for a suitable brush :) Maybe if I did my foundation would stay on abit longer though, haha!
3CE Lip Pigment in colour 03 £1.49 - First off I just wanted to say that eBay is god for selling products like this for so cheap! I colour in this pigment is amazing, and it lasts so long. If you buy other colours they can actually be mixed to form new colours, which is something I definitely need to think about doing!
So, all together my face costs around £47.94 using my Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Foundation, and £68.95 with my Dior. It's quite sad to realise how much money I actually must spend on beauty products haha!
Let me know if anyone would like a review on any of these products!
Sophie xx