Saturday, August 02, 2014

Pom Pom Princess

Playsuit - Beau XO Fashion* / Kimono - Need That Look* - Shoes - Public Desire* / Necklace - Orelia* / Hair Piece - Hairaisers / Braided Plait - Beauty Works*

Now I realise this post is quite similar to my previous but I just can't get enough of these little pom pom playsuits at the moment! Especially this gorgeous little number sent to me from the Frances over at Beau XO Fashion. They have some of the most amazing playsuits and two pieces, I literally love them all. I did plan to put these two posts a little apart but the weather thought otherwise and decided to chuck it down before I had the chance to make any more posts! This is going to be my last post of this weekend, as tomorrow I am going to be buying my own domain so my blog may be down for a little while!
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